Monday, August 3, 2009


Philology: Philology is the integrated study of language and literature, a mixture of literature and linguistics. Philologists study the interactions of culture with the syntax (form) and semantics (meaning) of language. It shares its etymology with words using the root phil (love): hydrophilic, lypophilic, pedophile, philander, and philanthropy. The opposite root of phil if phob (hate): phobia, homophobic, hydrophobic, and arachnophobia.

The -ology root usually be the study of, as in the cases of: biology, theology, musicology, sociology, psychology, ad nauseum. In this way we might imagine philology to be the study of love, but it is actually the love of study!
Whether his little machine is placed at this or that spot in science, and whether the "promising" young worker turns himself into a good philologist or an expert on fungi or a chemist: it does not characterize him that he becomes this or that. In the philosopher, conversely, there is nothing that is impersonal.

He contacted the Columbia philologist he had met at the party, who in turn put him in touch with a couple of medievalists.

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